Loya17y Cosmetics started July 27, 2020 making natural hair and skin care products from our home to yours during the
worlds life changing pandemic. Before the pandemic I started cosmetology school in October of 2019, graduated in June
of 2021 with my Cosmetology License. During time spent in school we embarked on this pandemic putting everyone at a stand
still school was online and living this new way of life allowed me to take time out to study deeper into hair, skin, natural herbs, butters, carrying and holistic therapeutic essential oils with a goal and mission to accommodate men and women.
In 2018, I started suffering with major hair loss due to medications, surgeries, stress due to a car accident January 27, 2017. I was hit by a fire truck causing me to become disabled undergoing multiple surgeries in my neck and back following losing my brother to murder then having to shut down my daycare all in 2018. My physical injuries and limitation gotten worse putting a lot of stress on my nerves causing tremendous damage to my hair and more taking different types of medications that was and is detrimental to my, yours, our hair, skin, body, internal and external organs. July of 2020 I got tired of going through the pain and suffering prayed on it study even harder then started creating. God heard my prayers and delivered me into the right place, space, time and directions to start my own formulations that would help with your hair and skin health, growth and development for your overall beauty care.
We as consumers spend thousands of dollars using products that is loaded with harsh and unhealthy chemicals that we don't need. Our hair and skin deserve the best why not invest into an all natural non toxic mango butter based products. Once I saw the fast results my family and I achieved we took L17 to the public and the results was amazing. Spending so much of our hard earned monies on a day to day basis to maintain a physical appearance in a presentable way can become very frustrating so when you invest you want to achieving your end goal. Loya17y Cosmetics is here to help you do just that. Trust the Process. Thanks you for becoming a part of our family I pray that L17 can fulfill all of your beauty care desires, wants, needs and look forward to continuing this family business with you in the near future be safe and God bless you.
Nuestros productos están hechos con mantecas naturales, aceites esenciales y portadores que ayudan en la salud, el crecimiento y los nutrientes para sus necesidades generales de cuidado de la piel y el cabello.
Atendemos a:
El cabello sufre: con diferentes niveles de pérdida de cabello por daños químicos, las diferentes etapas de la alopecia, la ingesta de medicamentos y solo la locura de la vida cotidiana y los cambios debido al estrés diario ...
Complicaciones cutáneas: eczema, psoriasis, hongos, marcas no deseadas, líneas, piel seca, etc ....
Ahora espera ...
Tal vez sea alguien a quien le encanta mantener el cuidado de su cabello y piel con una vida duradera, bueno, lo tenemos.
Loya17y Cosmeticś se toma el tiempo para investigar, estudiar y experimentar con todos y cada uno de los productos que fabricamos antes de que lleguen a los estantes para poder brindarle la seguridad y las precauciones adecuadas que se merece.
Nuestra vida útil puede durar desde 6 meses hasta 1 año, dependiendo de ese producto en particular. Dependiendo de lo que compre debe
Línea de cuidado del cabello: la mantequilla de mango es el ingrediente principal debido a sus muchos beneficios para la salud de su melena en general.
Línea de cuidado de la piel y los labios: la manteca de karité y la manteca de coco es nuestro ingrediente principal.
Aceite de semilla de cáñamo: es un ingrediente principal utilizado en nuestros productos. Mucha gente desconoce y pasa por alto el extraordinario efecto beneficioso que tiene este aceite para el crecimiento, la salud y la nutrición de su cabello y el cuidado general de la piel.
Loya17y Cosmetic? Gracias de antemano por su negocio y por ser un cliente fiel. Que Dios continúe siendo una bendición para usted y su vida familiar.
Always keep your faith in God. Without faith where would we be. Stay focus and work hard at everything your heart desires.
Snacks Fortune, CEO/Owner
License Cosmologist
Specialize in Natural Hair, Colorist and Short Cutz
Certified Hair Loss, Male Balding Pattern, Holistic Treatments, Covid-19 & Barbicide and more.